
Zoom updates

16th November

Restrictions on screen sharing and embedding passcodes in meeting links have been lifted. More information and security settings advice for meetings in the Staffnet article.

Also the UoM license has been upgraded with enhanced breakout rooms functionality. You can now create up 100 breakout rooms in a meeting.

Zoom Signup in Mainland China

12th October

Users are no longer able to sign up for free accounts in China affecting how they would create an account that would normally be migrated to a full, licensed version. In order to license our staff and students based in China, contact Media Services who will need their email address/es to manually add them to our Zoom license.

Zoom Update on Student Screen Sharing

8th October

Update on student screen sharing and breakout rooms: Staffnet article. Could our academic staff encourage students to connect their Zoom accounts.

Student Zoom Licensing

5th October

Media Services are now in the process of licensing our student cohort. To do this students need to visit Zoom.us and sign up with their University of Manchester email address. Could our academic colleagues encourage students to do this as soon as possible and take advantage of more advanced security and sharing features.

Zoom 5.3.0

21st September

New and advanced features, the latest updates for Zoom includes a host of features including the enhanced outlook integration, studio background effects and self-select breakout rooms. Release notes.

Zoom 5.2.2

1st September

The latest update includes a host of features, most notably Custom gallery view organisation. Host and co-host can now re-order the gallery view to suit their needs, and choose whether to deploy this view to participants, or allow participants to create their own custom views. Release notes.

How do I get support with Zoom?

Zoom offers a comprehensive support network as well as training for all users under the University's licence plan.

A link to the Zoom support page can be found here.

For further details regarding Zoom or for support in getting set up contact email: mediaservices@manchester.ac.uk